Sunday, January 30, 2011

tutorial 5&6

1) For me, the best learning experience when working in a group is that everyone has a chance to share their ideas. This makes the group have more ideas to talk about and that the assignment is completed at a faster rate. Compared to the work being done by a single individual, not only is it time consuming but the ideas are also limited. Hence in a group, more ideas are generated and shared. Individuals will learn from their friends and thus benefit as well.

2)As an individual contributor, i have learnt many things through my group members that i myself as an individual may not have learnt on my own. I have learned to look at situations from another angle at times. A scenario may not appear as it would seem. For instance the evaluation criteria, the webpage my group and i have decided to do on is in point form. Naturally since its in point form, the extent to which it is not detailed enough is low. However that might not be the case as points give sufficient information from the entire paragraph of words. In some cases, the whole chunk of words may be irrelevant and that only a small part make up the main points of the topic. This was something i may not have seen/learnt on my own.

3)The one most challenging experience i had was the recent group discussion we had was to Analise an article and pick out the main points of the news article. The information was so clustered and the points were so vague. There was a lot of information that was not related to our part. Despite this, my group memebers and i never gave up but viewed things in another view. Eventually we discovered the answers we were looking for.

4) I would advice the next batch of wiki groups to first have a strong sense of group cohesiveness so that they can tackle any problems faced. Having strong group cohesiveness would mean that the group stays strong and united together and that any problems faced will be countered as a whole instead. This would mean that group members will help one another when a problem is faced, making sure that the problem is solved before moving on to the next point.

5) i would consider using wiki for research in my own Diplomas as wiki provides a lot of updated information which would be relevant. For instance, TP's wiki ( Information is constantly updated which means that there are always new information coming in obout a certain topic. Thus this would be a good place to start research on. In addition, students can also hold a discussion there as well.


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