Thursday, November 25, 2010

Second Life

Second Life provides a variety of products and services. Products include accessories and garments such as

This program offered products which were akin to real quality stuff and it really made me feel like i was shopping for things which weren't a necessity to me but a luxury. Luxury goods are something that i may not be able to afford in reality, thus, virtual online shopping allowed me to have a different experience.

For the service, Second life showed helpful and attentive services to us avatars:

This allowed us access any quires we had about this program and thus it enabled us to fully utilize the program without any problems. With such good service and help, it also motivated us to participate in various other programmes second life offered.

The shopping environment/ambiance made me as though i was shopping in a world where i could purchase any luxurious accessory/garment i ever wanted. Exquisite shirts, rings, shoes. Materials i can never obtain as a student on my own. In addition, the prodcuts "never ran out of stock". Thus Second Life made me feel like i was a "king" of my own world.

Regarding user friendliness and flexibility, Second life proves to meet both requirements. Firstly, the program does not cause much lagness when used. Thus many transactions and processes are done almost instantly without delay. This would include adding materials to inventories as well. Secondly there is a "teleportation system"  thus avatars need not walk there which would be quite time consuming. Thirdly, the avatars can fly! Which makes second life very unique and espacially user friendly. Avatars need not walk or run but they are able to fly to their destination which makes it however secondary to teleportation, but rather quick as well. However, there are also certain cons as well. Some "aid" that second life provides may seem to be slighty too wordy. This may make the user mundane to read a paragraph of instructions and thus may be turned off by it.

Regarding the people that i've met in Second life, i've met various kinds. Friendly helpful, rude, or simply mischeivious. For instance, i was just asking for directions the other time, or was just checking if there happened to be any EIR students at a gathering, some made fun of me in a nasty manner. Others simply ignored me or asked me to scram. Some even used the term "get lost". However not all were bad, some were nice enough to introduce me to areas and led me to my directions. Thus, i met different types of peeps in Second Life.

In conclusion, what i like BEST about Second Life is that it enabled me to enjoy a whole new shopping experience apart from reality. It also motivated me to work harder in studies so that i will be able to afford such exquisite materials in future.


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